Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Buying a house requires very serious thought

Buying a house requires very serious thought. Write down the things that you cannot do without, like bedrooms, for instance, if you have a large family, or a garage if you own a vehicle.
If you have an active social life and cannot stay put in the house, then you would want a house that is stone's throw away from the mall or within walking distance of a bistro. A city home offers the advantage of being near everything - movie houses, schools, churches, groceries, hospitals, even the night spots. City homes obviously command a premium.
However, if you want to escape to some peace and quiet after a hard day in the office, check out the suburbs. Visit the place at night and see if the streets are well-lighted. Check out the facilities. Like a city home, a suburban residence has its pros and cons. A townhouse? A single-detached bungalow? A word of caution though: If you don't have a house help and cannot afford to get one, it will be hell to keep a big house in order. If you are living alone or just got married, a townhouse wold be a good start. Find out the incentives for a cash purchase, and negotiate hard for discounts. If you're thinking of taking out a loan, consider how the amortization will affect your cash flow. List down your monthly income net of taxes and exclude non-regular earnings. Study the offers carefully.

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